PEP supports several amazing initiatives, organizations, and programs that promote educational excellence in the Glenbard schools and DuPage. Below, please read more and consider supporting one or more of our impactful initiatives.
PEP helps educators develop enriched learning opportunities for students, pilot new instructional methods in the classroom, and provide supplemental materials to assist with specialized learning needs of students.
Fiscal Sponsorship
PEP works with schools and districts to support unique fundraising initiatives for projects like playground equipment, books for libraries, computers for classrooms, and funds for school and student organizations.
Designated Funds
PEP often receives donations to endowed funds. Endowments are permanent funds on which the earnings are available for grants for PEP while the principal (the amount deposited into the fund) remains intact.
Memorials & Honorariums
PEP is honored to be the recipient of donations to non-endowed funds in memory or honor of former students, teachers, administrators, and community friends of education. Non-endowed funds allow PEP to give grants throughout the year.