Supporting Your Schools Through PEP
As an educational foundation, our purpose is clear: we promote excellence in the Glenbard community schools in DuPage County, IL. However, there are various avenues to accept gifts and donations that achieve this same purpose, all separated from one another by various differences. Below, we provide descriptions of donation types to help you understand the distinction between the various funds that are all doing the same good work of launching new educational opportunities for students in our districts. However you choose to give, we appreciate your gift and will put it to good work for the cause! All gifts are acknowledged with a receipt for tax purposes
PEP General Fund
Donations to the General Fund are used to support educational initiatives in all six of the PEP Member District schools. The PEP Board of Trustees issues grants annually for classroom, school and district projects that support PEP’s Mission to promote educational excellence in the Glenbard Community Schools. All donations to PEP are placed in the General Fund unless otherwise specified by the donor.
District Funds
A separate PEP District Fund is maintained for each PEP school district. Donors may earmark their PEP contribution for one of these district funds by naming the district with PEP as the payee, e.g. PEP District 87, or in correspondence submitted with the donation. Grants from District Funds are initiated by the individual school districts with approval by the PEP Board of Trustees. Contributions may be made to a district fund at any time during the year. Many member districts fundraise for their PEP District Fund during the annual student registration process.
Special Project Funds
PEP works in partnership with individual school organizations and districts to support their unique fundraising projects, including capital projects and programs that may span multiple years. A Designated PEP Fund is established for the project and procedures are developed for handling, reporting and acknowledging donations over the duration of the project. See District Projects for more information.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many businesses and corporations provide matching gifts for employee donations to K-12 educational foundations like PEP. Company forms for matching gifts are sent to PEP with the donation. PEP completes the form and submits it on behalf of the employee. Matching gifts usually double and often triple the value of an individual donation.
Endowed Funds
PEP offers organizations and individuals the opportunity to establish an Endowed Fund for a specific purpose. The goals and criteria for grant-making are agreed to at the time the Endowed Fund is established. Donations to an established endowed fund may be made at any time.
PEP is honored to be the recipient of donations in memory of former students, teachers, administrators, and community friends of education. Memorial Funds may be established by family members or community organizations to create special gifts for a school or district. Memorial Funds may also be converted into PEP Endowed Funds to support annual grants or scholarships in honor of the deceased.
Gifts may be made to PEP at any time to celebrate a special event or recognize an individual. Donations are acknowledged on behalf of the honoree in PEP’s annual giving report and where possible directly to the honoree. Special Honorary Funds may be established to create gift opportunities and these funds may also be used to establish Endowed Funds for long term grant-making.
Private And Public Foundation Gifts
PEP is pleased to be the recipient of grants from both private and public foundations. Most of these gifts are associated with specific initiatives in the schools. PEP is pleased to provide a list of giving opportunities to foundations considering a donation to a member school or district.
Gifts In Kind
As a public charitable foundation, PEP may receive Gifts In Kind from individuals and businesses to benefit the schools in PEP’s Member Districts. Prior approval by the PEP office is required. PEP acknowledges all approved gifts with documented receipts for the donor.